Klinische Studie
Prospektives Akademisches Translationales Forschungsnetzwerk zur Optimierung der Onkologischen Versorgungsqualität in der Adjuvanten und Fortgeschrittenen/Metastasierten Situation: Versorgungsforschung, Pharmakogenomik, Biomarker, Pharmakoökonomie (PRAEGNANT)(PRAEGNANT)PROSPECT TRANSLAT RESEARCH NETWORK FOR OPTIMIZATION OF THE ONCOL HEALTH CARE QUALITY IN DJUVANT AND ADVANCED/METASTATIC SETTING: HEALTH CARE RESEARCH, PHARMACOGENOMICS, BIOMARKERS, HEALTH ECONOMICS
Wesentliche EinschlusskriterienEBC:
• Adult breast cancer patients (age ≥18 years)
• Patients with breast cancer and no evidence of distant metastases with a diagnosis
not longer than 91 days before study entry.
• Patients, who are able and willing to sign the informed consent form
• Adult breast cancer patients (age ≥18 years)
• Patients with the diagnosis of invasive breast cancer (irrespective of status of
BC, e.g. TNM, receptor status etc.)
• Patients, who are able and willing to sign the informed consent form
• Patients with metastatic or locally advanced disease proven by clinical
measures (i.e. standard imaging).
Wesentliche Ausschlusskriterien• Patients who did not sign the informed consent form
• Patients who are not eligible for observation due to severe comorbidities or
unavailability according to the treating physician
Ansprechpartner & KontaktCaritas-Krankenhaus St. Josef RegensburgFrauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe Krankenhaus St JosefStudienzentrale0941 7823401fhk-studienzentrum(at)csj.de