Klinische Studie

Clinical Research Platform For Molecular Testing, Treatment, Quality Of Life And Outcome Of Patients With Esophageal, Gastric Or Gastroesophageal Junction Cancer (SAPHIR)(Saphir)antineoplastic treatment of patients with metastatic esophageal, gastric or gastroesophageal junction cancer, treated in palliative intention in daily routine practice in Germany
Krankheitsentität(en) Magen
Wesentliche EinschlusskriterienHistologically proven stage IV (metastatic) ESCC, EAC, GAC or GEJAC Planned palliative systemic first-line therapy Age >= 18 years Signed informed consent (IC) Patients answering questionnaires: IC before first therapy cycle Patients not answering questionnaires: IC latest 4 weeks after start of first therapy cycle
Wesentliche AusschlusskriterienNo systemic therapy for ESCC, EAC, GAC or GEJAC
Ansprechpartner & KontaktÜBAG MVZ Dr. Vehling-Kaiser GmbHVK&K Studien GbRStudienzentrum0871 97403449studien(at)vehling-kaiser.de